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About me

Hi There...


My name is Wira, I’m a local Balinese guy who loved photography, I found that I enjoy doing it so much I make it my full time job, before i know it I've been shooting weddings for more than 12 years.


I specialized in documenting weddings, love stories, happy family moments and personal portraits. In every weddings I’m shooting I’d like to find the perfect balance between creative experimentation and honest documentation, It's not just about a polished, perfect product. It's also about the experience, and the way a photo can bring you back, like the scent of nostalgia.


Browse through my pages here and I hope you like my style, if you feel it’s for you then I hope to talk with you soon.





Let's talk


nusa dua - bali

whatsapp : +6285792605952


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"Capturing the moments of today that will wow your heart tomorrow"

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